PWR Zero Equipment Ab Workout – Kelsey Wells

PWR Zero Equipment Ab Workout

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PWR Zero Equipment Ab Workout
PWR Zero Equipment Ab Workout

My PWR Zero Equipment program is designed to enable you to discover the power of fitness — no matter where you are, or how much space you have. 

This program simplifies strength training, making it available to any woman, anywhere in the world. You don’t need any equipment to do it — all you need is your body and your determination. 

I created this no-equipment strength training program, which includes beginner weeks, so that you have guidance through every step of your fitness journey

This workout gives you a taste of what you can expect in the program, so find half an hour to focus on yourself, change into something comfortable, and let’s do this! 

Slay this no-equipment ab workout 

This is a workout that anyone can do, regardless if you’ve never dedicated time to exercise before. Even better, you can do it at home, without any gym equipment. 

You can modify the exercises if you need to by dropping to your knees in the side plank or plank position. When you follow my PWR Zero Equipment program in the SWEAT app, you will find suggestions for substitute exercises that you can switch in as required. 

No matter where you are in your fitness journey, you deserve to have time that is focused just on you! Take a few minutes to do a quick warm up and give this workout your best

Activation 2 Exercises / 4 minutes

1. Plank & Toe Lift

20 REPS 10 Per Side

2. Ab Bikes

50 REPS 25 Per Side

Superset 2 Exercises / 3 Laps

1. Side Plank

60 SECS 30 Per Side

2. Straight-Leg Raise


Circuit 4 Exercises / 3 Laps

1. Toe Tap


3. Plank


5. Flutters


7. X Mountain Climber


Burnout 1 Exercises

1. Half Burpee


Once you’ve finished the workout, take a moment to be grateful for your ability to move your body. This is one of the most important things that you can do for your health! 

Train with no equipment and discover your inner strength

You don’t need equipment or loads of free time to focus on your health and wellness. With PWR Zero Equipment, it’s easier to make working out a daily practice for your health. There are two Express 15-minute workouts included each week, so if you are short on time, you can still hit your workout goals.  

I encourage you to make your health a priority and to use my PWR Zero Equipment program to find your best self. When you move your body daily, you’ll find that you learn to love your body and appreciate what it can do — and I want that for you!

You can start now. Make today day one of your journey to self-empowerment, and let me be your guide with PWR Zero Equipment. 

* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.

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