Chocolate Protein Smoothie – Kelsey Wells

Chocolate Protein Smoothie Recipe

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Chocolate Protein Smoothie Recipe
Chocolate Protein Smoothie Recipe

This chocolate protein smoothie may be basic but it is a STAPLE of mine!

It's simple, delicious, and it makes the perfect post-workout recovery smoothie. There's only four ingredients, but you can tweak this recipe to include the things you like!

You will need to have frozen banana to make it — I use frozen banana because it provides carbohydrates to help provide energy and speed up muscle recovery after a PWR or PWR at Home workout. The banana also makes this smoothie super creamy and delicious!

I always make sure that I have bananas in the freezer. If you ever have bananas that are looking a little older, don't let them go to waste! There are so many different ways to use them, like this strawberry banana protein shake

Chocolate Protein Smoothie Recipe

Total time: 6 mins
Serves: 1
Dietary preferences: Vegetarian

Chocolate Milkshake Recipe


¾ cup skim milk (or milk of choice)
1.5 scoops chocolate protein powder (I use 100% whey isolate)
1 frozen banana, sliced
1 tbs vanilla almond butter (or nut butter of choice)


  1. Add the ingredients into blender, putting the frozen bananas in last, and blend to smoothie consistency.
  2. Pour the smoothie into a glass (you can even chill the glass before serving if you like your smoothie really cold!). If you’re feeling fancy, you may want to add a sprinkle of cacao or even some shaved dark chocolate to the top!
  3. Serve and enjoy immediately. 

The fact that there is NO ICE in this smoothie and frozen banana instead really gives it that super thick, creamy, milkshake consistency – I seriously just eat mine with a spoon cause it’s THAT thick and yummy.

You can add oats, chia seeds or dates if you want to make this smoothie for breakfast to give you long-lasting energy for your day. 

A healthy protein smoothie makes a perfect post-workout snack

Good nutrition is so important whether you exercise regularly or not — when you make small changes to your food choices each day, you will find taking care of your health with good nutrition can help to improve how you feel.

If you loved this protein smoothie, make sure you check out my Almond Oatmeal Cookie Batter Protein Shake too! It tastes so much like dessert, in a glass! 


* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.

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